Grow your bookings instantly with Conversion Messaging!

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Grow your bookings instantly with Conversion Messaging!

grow direct hotel bookings now

Did you recently come across a website with brilliant content and beautiful images, but still weren’t convinced to make a transaction or even fill a form?  Those companies spend a lot of time on developing amazing websites and improving their products and services, but overlook one critical element in their website – conversion.

In the hospitality industry, only 1-3% of the website visitors end up booking a stay. It’s easy to accept it as a norm and shrug it off. But imagine if you managed a physical store, and a 100 people walked in with 99 leaving without taking any action. That would be detrimental to the business – but the same happens on the online versions of the stores.

The good salespeople do things differently – take initiative and improve their messaging actively according to customers’ purchase behaviour. Similarly, you can improve the conversion messaging on your website to improve the booking rates.

By enhancing communication of your value to the visitors, Simplotel’s conversion messaging features help you increase bookings. Read on and learn how!

Did you recently come across a website with brilliant content and beautiful images, but still weren’t convinced to make a transaction or even fill a form?  Those companies spend a lot of time on developing amazing websites and improving their products and services, but overlook one critical element in their website – conversion.

In the hospitality industry, only 1-3% of the website visitors end up booking a stay. It’s easy to accept it as a norm and shrug it off. But imagine if you managed a physical store, and a 100 people walked in with 99 leaving without taking any action. That would be detrimental to the business – but the same happens on the online versions of the stores.

The good salespeople do things differently – take initiative and improve their messaging actively according to customers’ purchase behaviour. Similarly, you can improve the conversion messaging on your website to improve the booking rates.

By enhancing communication of your value to the visitors, Simplotel’s conversion messaging features help you increase bookings. Read on and learn how!

Turning lookers into bookers

Most visitors entering your website aren’t in the transactional frame of mind yet – they’re just browsing through options. With a basic price indicator on the site which gives them an idea of the starting price range, you can put them in a transactional mind set.

Turning lookers into bookers

Most visitors entering your website aren’t in the transactional frame of mind yet – they’re just browsing through options. With a basic price indicator on the site which gives them an idea of the starting price range, you can put them in a transactional mind set.

direct hotel bookings dashboard

On an average, a visitor checks out 38 sites before making a booking. Imagine how convenient it would be, if on coming back to your site they don’t have to put in all the details again.

Our booking engine remembers guests’ search details, and allows them to continue from where they left the booking process. This simple feature makes all the difference and will help boost your conversions dramatically.

Make an offer your guests can’t refuse

While most hotels that have begun thinking about conversion messaging might have a simple pop-up on their website, you can use a more streamlined approach to create a better experience for visitors on your website. You can attract more guests with multiple messages about hotel amenities in the initial search section. Using Simplotel’s offer messages, you have a lot to choose from-

a) Pay just x% now and secure your stay – This can be used to highlight that the guest doesn’t need to pay the whole amount right now ensure risk-free decision making for the user.

b) 30% off on all rooms for a minimum 2-night stay – Highlighting those deals even before the guest starts looking for them.

c) ) Fall-back to other conversion messages like “Lock-in a great price, book your stay now!”, “Pick from exclusive packages and offers!”, etc.

Check out stage!

Conversion messaging is equally important on the payments section of your website. More than 20% of visitors abandon the booking when they have to enter the payment details. Assurance messages, indicating the payment methods that one can use, security indicators and free cancellation policy can reduce this bounce percentage for your hotel.

Even the booking button can make a difference – instead of the negative and less specific “Pay Now”, we use the positive and direct “Book Now” on our websites.

Contemplating guests? Act quickly!

Website visitors tend to contemplate when they’re on a particular hotel site and can remain undecided. In such a case, a slider will kick in after some time to provide an option to the undecided guests to get prices mailed to them.

From fashion to hotel rooms, the key principle of selling is to highlight demand and scarcity. The same can be done on your website too! This will prompt your future guests to book without any delay.

The right conversion messaging makes all the difference between bounced visitors and guests. Get on-board Simplotel now to incorporate these features in your hotel website.

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On an average, a visitor checks out 38 sites before making a booking. Imagine how convenient it would be, if on coming back to your site they don’t have to put in all the details again.

Our booking engine remembers guests’ search details, and allows them to continue from where they left the booking process. This simple feature makes all the difference and will help boost your conversions dramatically.

Make an offer your guests can’t refuse

While most hotels that have begun thinking about conversion messaging might have a simple pop-up on their website, you can use a more streamlined approach to create a better experience for visitors on your website. You can attract more guests with multiple messages about hotel amenities in the initial search section. Using Simplotel’s offer messages, you have a lot to choose from-

a) Pay just x% now and secure your stay – This can be used to highlight that the guest doesn’t need to pay the whole amount right now ensure risk-free decision making for the user.

b) 30% off on all rooms for a minimum 2-night stay – Highlighting those deals even before the guest starts looking for them.

c) ) Fall-back to other conversion messages like “Lock-in a great price, book your stay now!”, “Pick from exclusive packages and offers!”, etc.

Check out stage!

Conversion messaging is equally important on the payments section of your website. More than 20% of visitors abandon the booking when they have to enter the payment details. Assurance messages, indicating the payment methods that one can use, security indicators and free cancellation policy can reduce this bounce percentage for your hotel.

Even the booking button can make a difference – instead of the negative and less specific “Pay Now”, we use the positive and direct “Book Now” on our websites.

Contemplating guests? Act quickly!

Website visitors tend to contemplate when they’re on a particular hotel site and can remain undecided. In such a case, a slider will kick in after some time to provide an option to the undecided guests to get prices mailed to them.

From fashion to hotel rooms, the key principle of selling is to highlight demand and scarcity. The same can be done on your website too! This will prompt your future guests to book without any delay.

The right conversion messaging makes all the difference between bounced visitors and guests. Get on-board Simplotel now to incorporate these features in your hotel website.

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